Monday Blog Tour

My friend Katey over at Sweet Goings invited me to do a Monday blog tour. I’m not sure where the idea originated but you can trace it back to her blog and one she links to and the one before that an so on. I’m honored she picked me for the next tour. Let’s get this party started…

What am I working on? 

It’s Sunday afternoon and I’ve spent the weekend keeping two little people alive, which included getting up at 11, 2, 5 and 8 to feed a teeny tiny newborn. Usually Jason does those first two and I do the second two but he’s a touring musician and he was gone for two nights. He’s back in town but currently out at his favorite store, the garden center, taking advantage of their Father’s Day sale. Both little people are napping and I probably should be too. In my dreams I’m a stay-at-home mom to our sweet babies but in real life I work full time as a graphic designer. I write whenever I have a few spare minutes and I schedule my posts for the following morning.

How does my work differ from others in its genre?

I’m going to assume this question is referring to my blog. I started this blog five years ago when Jason and I were childless and we spent our free time collecting vintage treasures to fill our little mid-century modern ranch. We’d scour thrift stores, estate sales and yard sales looking for neglected valuables that we could score on the cheap, restore and use or sell. A little over three years ago we decided to become foster parents. My blog split to both topics for a while, as did our time. Once we got into the deep waters of parenting, and specifically foster parenting, our time for our interior design hobby decreased and as a result I write mostly about family, fostering and adoption on here now. Restoration is a recurring theme through myMCMlife.

Why do I write what I do?  I love to write. My memory isn’t super sharp so I love to keep records through journals, sketchbooks and blogging. Back when I was blogging about interior design, a comment from a reader led me back to her blog where she chronicled her and her husband’s experiences as foster and then adoptive parents. Discovering her blog was a big nudge toward foster parenting, a topic that I had already been secretly researching for a few months. Reading general information about a topic is nothing compared to reading about someone’s personal experience. I write about my family’s experiences in hopes that it is meaningful to someone else out there, and specifically I hope that God would use our story to make more foster and adoptive parents.

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How does my writing process work? 

Ideally, when inspiration strikes, I stop what I’m doing and start writing. I think my best posts have come out that way. If I can’t stop to write, I make myself notes for things I want to return to when I have more time. Other times I just sit down in front of this WordPress screen and start writing, hoping something coherent comes out and that it wraps up into some sort of revelation by the end.

Who’s next? I’m supposed to pick someone to go next but I’m clueless. If you blog and want to go next, please do it and let me know, OK? I think it’s time for that nap.

Thank you again for inviting me to do this tour, Katey! I just discovered your blog a few months ago and it became an instant favorite.


5 Responses to Monday Blog Tour

  1. Christina says:

    I enjoyed checking out Sweet Goings, and have enjoyed reading your blog start to finish! I’m another foster mom with a blog if you’d like to feature mine on the tour. It’s aesthetically boring, but I love to write!

  2. Kate says:

    How lame am I that I just realized you did this?! Should I even admit that? Too late. Love this post! Love even more that I get to experience your friendship. Squeeze your tiny ones for me!

  3. Jessica says:

    I am so glad I stumbled upon your blog. My husband and I have been foster parents for a couple of years. I love reading about other people’s experiences with foster care but I haven’t found many bloggers who talk about it yet. Thank you for sharing your story!

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