DIY Baby Pants and Socks

A couple weekends ago, I totally got my craft on. I like crafting and I enjoy sewing but it’s been a loooong time since I’ve had my sewing machine out. It used to belong to my Granny who was a wonderful seamstress. She made my junior prom dress. I named my sewing machine Dorothy after her. Rabbit trail, sorry…

There has been a Pinterest challenge going around to actually make something that you might have pinned as a project to do. I wasn’t officially participating but I’ve had these baby socks from Made By Joel on my project list for a long time. It was a quick and easy project with great results. I made 3 pairs, 1 of which I gave to our friends for their new baby boy.

I saw a tutorial a while back for making baby pants out of an old sweater (my favorite) and another DIY for making them out of a t-shirt. Precious has an abundant supply of pink pants so I’m trying to introduce more colors in her wardrobe. These three websites already do a good job giving DIY instructions so I’ll just show some (or a lot of) pictures of my processes and the finished products.

I loved this sweater but it had several holes in it and a stain.

I used one of her pink pairs as a reference for size.

6 Responses to DIY Baby Pants and Socks

  1. SusanV says:


    I was drooling over your homemade baby pants the other day. You’re so crafty! I love them. Well done!!

  2. Julia says:

    thanks for sharing! i like this idea a lot. i pinned one of your images, hope that is ok 🙂

  3. Christine says:

    Wow! So creative Martina!

  4. Amy says:

    adorable pants, and great job getting the stripes to line up!

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